Unrecognised courses to be removed from Lucknow Varsity

Updated on: Monday, March 05, 2012

A letter from the state governor has asked the Lucknow University to shortlist those courses and remove them which are not recognised by the University Grants Commission. The Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. P.K.Mishra met all the heads of the department on March 2nd and asked them to provide the details of courses which are not in line with the UGC.

Most of the certificate and diploma courses would fall under this category according to senior teachers but majority of such courses are already closed or facing a threat of closure due to lack of admissions.

The Governor has also asked for details from the university for preparation of a monthly progress report of all the departments. The Vice Chancellor has asked all heads to submit the report for the month of January and February 2012 by the coming week and he has also further instructed the heads to hasten the pre-PhD course work in consensus with the respective deans.

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