New Professional Colleges likely to be forbidden by AICTE from 2014

Updated on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The AICTE will perhaps be forced to stop new professional colleges to come up from 2014 given the fact that the supply exceeds demand for engineering and management seats. This was decided after a recent meeting of AICTE with request received from several states to reject proposalfor starting new professional colleges.

Many states insisted on immediately stopping acceptance of applications but as the process of setting up of a college starts two years before a college approaches AICTE for permission with buying of land and building the infrastructure etc., the regulatory body has decided that two years from now it will review the situation and and may stop accepting proposals for new technical colleges.

There are currently 3393 engineering colleges that offer 14.86 lakh seats and 3900 management Schools with 3.5 lakh student intake. According to AICTE estimate nearly 3 lakh seats were vacant at the close of admissions last year. Many states have already decided not to allow new colleges to start this year and the state governments and the Council are locking horns on this issue.

AICTE has received 2176 applications to start new professional degree colleges two years ago butthe number has come down to 362 this year.Two years from now probably there may not be any new professional colleges coming up at all.

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