Workshop on Developing Ethical Leadership

Updated on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Management centre for Human Values at IIM, Kolkatta recently organised The swami Vivekananda Memorial Workshop on the topic

of Developing Ethical Leadership. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Gururaj Karaijagi, an eminent educationist and chairman

of Academy of creative Teaching which was inaugurated by Prof. Shekhar Chaudhuri, Director, IIMC.

Dr Gururaj started the workshop by reiterating the fact that a person who lives for others will not be forgotten. People

often do not remember the names of their great-great grandfather but they do remember great persons of human history who have

lived their life for others and contributed to the cause of humanity.
Making a fine distinction between ethics and Values he stated that ethics is what we practice and value is what we reach i.e.

the goal. He also told the audience that doing good things repeatedly turns into a habit and later becomes an attitude of a

person. This results in people around changing for the better.

He gave very good demonstrations of how followers do what the leaders do not practice after preaching. He said a successful

leader always relates to his followers meaning good leaders relate well with the life and experiences of ordinary people. He

also explained how a successful leader always cares for the overlapping succession in the absence of which organisations get


He reiterated that to be a good leader one does not have to occupy positions and offices and explained how Mahatma Gandhi

proved to be one. He also emphasised on how ambiance leads to good behavior.

He ended his workshop expecting a future where people would work without any supervision and act with responsibility .The

workshop was sponsored by ONGC endowment.

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