Labs just a click away

Updated on: Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal launched a unique initiative under which graduate and under graduate college and

university students can perform laboratory  experiments online as a result of which science aspirants at the click of a mouse

can now access state of the art labs across 12 premier institutions including IIT.

The virtual lab developed as a project under the National Mission in education through ICT has at present 89 virtual

laboratories in place divided into simulation and remote triggered. At present it has 800 odd experiments across nine

discipline of science and engineering giving easy access to otherwise costly laboratory facilities. The project is

coordinated by IIT Delhi which has also developed 15 laboratories.

According to the minister the students can submit the results of their lab activities to the faculties of IIT and other partner institutions for evaluation and they can also access physical laboratories of their choice located hundreds of miles away. They also plan to cover all the syllabi in the country. He further said that such virtual laboratories will enable students practice and learn the science and engineering behind the experiments and it will also help rural students to perform tests which they would not have been able to do due to inaccessibility. The government plans to deliver the laboratories in rural areas through Akash 2.

Dr. Ranjan Bose an IIT Delhi faculty said that "the wireless lab on Aakash is the flagship lab of this project. For remote triggered labs, students can book slots. Theory part they can prepare offline and do the experiment online. These labs are now going to facilitate 20 times more experiments."

These labs will be useful for engineering college students lacking proper lab facilities and motivate high school students and it will also be useful for researchers of different institutes who can collaborate and share equipment.

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