Mission to popularise Maths

Updated on: Friday, February 24, 2012

Professor Ambat Vijayakumar plans to deliver several interesting tips and solutions that will inculcate an interest amongst students and popularise mathematics.

A three day workshop-cum-review at the Institute of mathematical sciences, Chennai from April 5th to 7th , will be held to tackle the issues of mathematics education so that teachers can address the problems of students better.

According to Professor Vijaykumar students fear the subject mainly because teachers don't know how to make maths interesting. Even in lower level students the interest is lacking in the subject as, to most students maths is synonymous with difficulty which results in the low marks that they obtain. According to him this apprehension is created by teachers or parents.

the workshop which is jointly organised by Vigyan prasar, New Delhi and Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai aims to bring various people and agencies involved with different facets of Maths under one roof.

Professor Vijaykumar also writes articles on the various concepts of Maths in both malayalam and english dailies and brings out certain interesting concepts to popularise the subjectamong the students.

the professor will discuss interesting mathematical problems, the need for interlinking the subject with recreational mathematics and also the relationship between the chessboard and maths.

There will also be talks delivered by identified resource persons. “Workshops targeting teachers are helpful as the subject should be taught in a different way so that students enjoy and learn maths,” he added.

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