Karaikal NIT yet to get own premises

Updated on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The dream of the Karaikal unit of the national institute of technology (NIT) getting a full-fledged premises remains a pipedream due to inordinate delay on the part of the Puducherry government in acquiring the required extent of land for the buildings.

As an ad hoc arrangement, NIT Karaikal presently shares space with the Arignar Anna government arts college in Nehru Nagar, here.

About 300 acres is required for NIT to have its own premises. “Ever since its inception in 2010, Karaikal NIT has been functioning out of the Arignar Anna arts college building. In the absence of a building, its around 400 students face problems in the rented accommodation regarding regular classes, library space, workshop and laboratory.

The ministry of human resource development has already made available `12 crore to the directorate of higher education to kickstart the land acquisition process for the NIT project,” sources said on anonymity.

However, the file sent by the Karaikal district administration to the Puducherry government is gathering dust due to bureaucratic hassles and the lethargic attitude of the officials in Puducherry. The administration has already acquired 39.56 acres and transferred it to NIT.

“Though nearly 257 acres have been identified in Poovam and Thiruvettakudi villages, in Cottucherry commune, by the Karaikal district administration, the land acquisition process is yet to take off.

The HRD ministry has already requested the Puducherry government to expedite the land acquisition process for the construction of buildings, academic blocks and hostels for students,” said a senior government official in Karaikal.

“If the land acquisition process is not completed, the construction of buildings will be delayed. When the Centre sanctioned an NIT for Karaikal, we dreamt of a world-class institution with assured placement for our children, but the way the officials of the territorial government are handling things leaves much to be desired,” said Mr V. Gopinath, a parent.

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