How to prepare yourself for public exam ? Computer Science?

Updated on: Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Computer Science is another subject where scoring full mark is possible if prepared well and answered with lot of care.

In contrast to other subjects, it is much easy to score full marks in Computer Science subject. As for as the computer science question paper is concerned there are 75 one-mark questions, 24 two-mark questions out which 20 is to be answered and 10 five-mark questions are asked out which 7 need to be answered.  

As the students get 50 marks in the practical, preparing for 150 marks is enough. As there are 75 one-mark questions, students take it very light to prepare with seriousness for the computer science paper. If students take little care and prepare cautiously it is very easy to score full marks in computer science papers. Students must keep it in mind, as for as computer science is concerned, getting into leading colleges to computer science related course would be possible only by getting more than 180 marks.  

Spreadsheet is considered as the longest chapter in computer science subject. From this chapter alone, 7 one-mark and two mark questions come, 4 or 5 five-mark questions appear in the question paper. Spreadsheet is the longest chapter as well as the easiest chapter. If more time is spent on this chapter than any other chapter, it is easily possible to get 27 marks from this chapter.
As for as one-mark questions are concerned, contrasting to other papers, questions are not picked from the back of the book.

Therefore, those students seeking to score full marks need to study the entire book without leaving any lessons.

When answering one-mark questions, students are supposed answer in an OMR sheet. Students ought to remember that at any cost teachers do not correct the OMR sheets, instead it is corrected by a computer.  Therefore students need to take at most care while  nswering in the OMR sheet. It has been repeatedly found that students make lot of mistakes like shading two answers for one question, not shading the box properly and not rubbing the pencil mark on the wrongly shaded box.

It very difficult to identify the important questions that is likely to come in exam. But all the programs asked in the question paper are from the textbook. So, try to work out all the programs found in the textbook. As for as this subject is concerned do not be slackened by studying once. Further, it is not necessary to write the exact Tamil word of certain keys or components. So, do not the worried that marks would be cut for not using the exact Tamil words.

As for as five mark questions are concerned, selecting 'Find out the Result' questions would fetch full marks. It is very difficult to cut marks in these questions.  Students write too elaborate on question related to bullets and numbering, which is wrong as well as not necessary. Just three points for each bullets and numbering is enough, for which five marks are provided. Writing unnecessary long stories is mere waste of time. Consistently work out on previous years question banks would help to secure full marks.

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