Nano sciences to play decisive role in healthcare

Updated on: Monday, August 03, 2009

Coimbatore: In future, Nano sciences would play an important role in the healthcare sector, said A. Sivathanu Pillai, scientist at DRDO and CEO of Brahmos Aerospace on Saturday.

Speaking at the inauguration of a conference on digestive diseases and silent digestive diseases organised by the MedIndia Institute of Medical Specialties and MedIndia Charitable Trust, the scientist from Defence Research Development Oganisation (DRDO) said the technological advancements in the field of healthcare would play a crucial role in resolving the problems of the community. He reflected, how tele-education and tele-medicine had made healthcare reach rural India.

The newly surfacing field of nano science had a greater role to play in information technology, medicine, energy and food. There are on going researches in areas like medicine delivery, diagnostics, developing a living cell, DNA repairs, drug delivery and tissue culture. He said, in future a wristwatch would help in monitoring the glucose levels in the blood.

Nano-enabled medicine delivery is all set to lead to a situation wherein the glucose level would be monitored and insulin injection would be administered without human intervention.

He also explicated, 'nano robots', 'nano lasers' and 'nano bio sensors' would play crucial role in tracing and destroying virus within the blood veins, teeth cleaning and lung cleaning and removal of H1N1 virus.

T.S. Chandrasekharan, the Chairman of MedIndia said that digestive diseases showed no symptoms and needed effective intervention.

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