Sports trials at Jamia

Updated on: Monday, February 13, 2012

The Sports Authority of India has adopted Jamia Millia Islamia as an extension centre for sports such as athletics, football, hockey and volleyball.

These schemes have been promoted by the SAI with a view to promote sports at all levels especially at junior level. The concept is to develop sports standard in schools and colleges who have shown commendable results in the field of sports.

Schools and colleges actively involved in sports, with adequate infrastructure, and a history of producing national and international sports persons are eligible under this scheme.

Under the above scheme, Jamia will be conducting selection from February 23 to February 25, 2012. The boys in the age group 14 to 19 years are eligible to appear in the trials. Students other than those studying at Jamia can also take part in the trials. The trials will be held in athletics, football, hockey and volleyball.

Times of India

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