Career in Political Science

Updated on: Saturday, February 11, 2012

Political science is the study of political values, institutions, processes, and policies. Political scientists seek to understand the underlying ways in which power, authority, rules, constitutions and laws affect our lives. The study of political science prepares one for life as an informed citizen, ready to participate in political activities within interest groups or political parties; related to community organisation and political advocacy; or even service as an elected or appointed official.

Political science is the study of people and societies struggling with great and enduring issues such as war and peace, order and freedom, and justice and equality. Understanding how and why those issues are resolved, or fail to be resolved, is at the heart of education in political science.

Employability Skills

Studying politics encourages the development of both specific and transferable skills. You gain a clear understanding of politics, whether it is domestic, international or a combination of both. Political science helps you to develop reasoning and analytic skills, and to arrive at decisions based on the analysis and synthesis of information and data, build competence in oral and written expression, research and evaluation skills, which are valued in a wide spectrum of potential career areas.

Formal Education

Schools begin teaching political science in the form of civics as part of the social studies curriculum in secondary school. Political science is offered on its own for the first time in plus two/ PUC. The bachelors degree in political science with a major or honours, and then the masters degree provides adequate coverage of political science. A bachelors degree in politics offers direct access to PGPs in Political Science, International Relations, International Affairs, Global Politics, Defence Strategic Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, Public Administration, and allied subjects. Political science is a very useful base for professional education in law, social work, teacher training, journalism, public relations or development studies.


Teaching, research and publishing are typical occupations for the political scientist. Studying political science can also lead to careers in the government, in law, business, international organisations, non-governmental organisations or not-for-profit organisations, think tanks, in campaign management and polling, journalism, and electoral politics. Although a career in politics could be considered a typical opportunity for a political scientist, it is not a must.

Campaigns and elections are one of the more obvious career choices. Traditional campaign jobs are generally found through individuals and local parties. Volunteering for a campaign or a local party will help you to get a paid position later. Careers in campaign management are cyclical as they come and go with election schedules, but there are on-going opportunities with consulting firms or a political action committee of an interest group. Political science a very useful base for a career in social work, human rights, social or political research and urban planning.

Future Outlook

Politics affects virtually every aspect of our lives, including the availability of education, jobs, housing and healthcare. Whether countries are at war or at peace depends both on what governments do and who supports them. The demand for political science research is growing because of increasing interest in politics, foreign affairs, and public policy, including social and environmental policy issues, healthcare, and immigration.


Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi (

Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (

Jawaharlal Nehru University (

Centre for Multi-disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), Dharwad (

Institute for Social and Economic Change (

Bangalore University, Bangalore (

(Indicative listings)


Times of India

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