Pets help kids destress during exams

Updated on: Saturday, February 11, 2012

With board exams around the corner and test-related stress mounting by the day, pets are the latest weapon in the destressing armoury. If your child has been studying hard and feels stressed out already, it's time for some pet therapy. This method of keeping kids in good shape is becoming increasingly popular among parents.

Like single parent Naveen Rolands who was alarmed by his daughter Hazel's plunging grades. "I was clueless how to get her back on track and the board exam was fast approaching. She'd always been a good student and I was forced to come up with a solution," said Naveen. After a counselling session organized by the school, Naveen found the solution. "The counsellor suggested we get a dog home. Although I wasn't initially sold on the idea, I wanted to give it a shot. I got three dogs home and to my surprise, Hazel's grades improved dramatically and even cleared her board exam with flying colours," said Naveen.

Parents are slowly warming to the idea of roping in pets to help their kids. Pushpa Bopaiah, who runs Healing Horses, an equine therapy programme, in the city told TOI, "Although the idea is not very popular among parents, it's surely catching on. I came up with my programme to treat differently abled children, but now I have three or four parents whose children are under exam pressure," said Pushpa.

"We advise parents to get a pet home, especially during exams. It works well with children who have low self-esteem," said Indraani Sudarshan of Ebenezer International School. Anand Vishwanath, certified canine behaviourist and counsellor, says, "Some parents ask me to visit more frequently for reinforcement sessions. Pets can calm down a child who is under high stress level. Children feel relaxed after a session with pets."

So, keep bonding with your pet to beat the test.

Times of India

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