Writings on the Margin

Updated on: Saturday, February 11, 2012

In a multilingual and multicultural society, translation is required to build bridges and overcome gaps; such was the verdict at a thought-provoking two day session on translation issues, organised by the Centre of Advanced Study in Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University.

A panel discussion on ‘Translating Dalit Literature’ on January 31 at the Buddhadeva Bose Sabhaghar was followed by a public lecture on ‘Translation: Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries’ by Norfolk-based translator Lakshmi Holmstrom on February 1 at the Vivekananda Hall.

Chaired by Mandira Sen of Stree publishers, the panelists for the discussion were Lakshmi Holmstrom, who is in Kolkata as visiting fellow at the Centre of Advanced Study in Comparative Literature, Dr Brati Biswas, professor, Delhi University and Dr Ramnika Gupta, social activist and president of the Ramnika Foundation.

The panel discussion concentrated on the linguistic, economic and social aspects of translation of the ‘literature of the oppressed’, the Dalits, into an international language like English. The stress was on the ‘interactive nature of translation’ which has the responsibility and ability to increase and deepen the readership of Dalit literature. Holmstrom said, “Dalit writing is not only breaking a mainstream aesthetic but also proposing a new one. It is the exploration of the self and community. One of the aims of Dalit writing is to awaken consciousness.”

Dr Biswas who has researched on Dalit writings in Bengali commented, “Dalit writing creates a global bridge between all the marginal groups across the world though strategies of dominance and discrimination differ locally.” Dr Gupta was of the opinion that translation is a moral duty and it helps us to widen our mind, get acquainted with other cultures and learn about new perspectives.

The lecture, which was chaired by Sanjukta Dasgupta, former dean of arts, Calcutta University, focused on the ‘intellectual as well as functional issues’ regarding translation. Holmstrom explored the relationship between the translator and the author, publisher and editor along with the ownership of the text and the ethics of translation. “Translators need to take their profession seriously, honing skills, attending courses and reading widely,” signed off Holmstrom.                

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