How to prepare yourself for public exams- Accountancy?

Updated on: Thursday, February 09, 2012

Accountancy is a subject where scoring full marks is possible if your preparation is good and meticulous.

In the accountancy question paper, 80% of the questions are from the book and the rest 20% is from the workout examples. Studying selected portions it is impossible score full marks as for as accountancy is concerned. So, it is a must to study the entire portion to get full marks. 

In a question paper that comprises of 4 sections it is necessary to answer all the 30 questions in Section A. In section A try to attempt all the questions in sequence of 1, 2, 3, ….30. If you dont know the answer to a particular question it is good leave the question number and move to the next questions instead of wasting time on the question that you dont know. Leave some space in the same section for those left questions and probably later on you may get some time to think and write the answer.

Section-B contains 14 questions. Out of which 7 would be simple calculations and the rest seven would be questions related to principles of the subject. Here you have a      choice of attempting only 5 questions.   
In Section-C, 8 questions are asked from 45 to 52. Out of which you need to attempt only 5 questions. However, question number 45 is a compulsory question. Some students in a hurry leave this question that would lead to less marks.

Generally, questions from this section are from Single Entry System and Non-Performing Assets. Hence, students should thoroughly work out these two sections.

Next, in Section D, 5 questions are asked from 53 to 57.  Out of which you need to attempt only 3 questions. However, question number 53 is compulsory one.
This question is usually from Single Entry System or Patternship. This section comprises of questions from Final Statement Accounts, Financial Statement Account, and Cash Flow Statement. Easily, it is possible to score 60 marks if you are thorough with these portions.

During the exam allot 30 minutes for Section- A, 45 minutes for Section B, 45 minutes for Section C and 45 minutes for Section D. If you happened to spend the last 15 minutes for checking the answers, underlining important points and attaching all the papers in the right order unnecessary tension could be avoided. Even though you may know the answer do not write more than what is required.

Write the answers section wise; do not jumble up sections and answer. It is possible to score full marks in Accountancy subject.

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