Exam blues: Dont stress out, just plan ahead

Updated on: Saturday, February 11, 2012

The exam season has set in and with it the stress as the syllabus this year has changed and there are no set patterns of study to ace this curriculum. A. Padma principle of the Dolphin school of Madurai says, “I always advise students to prepare well, plan their study timings and portions before hand.

I also ensure teachers don't push students beyond a certain point. It's essential to keep a calm mind, eat healthy and take short breaks.”

She adds, “As the syllabus has changed it's very difficult for the 10th standard students to aim for a centum because this is the first year and teachers aren't also too sure of the kind of questions that might appear.”

Ruth Ashley a teacher at the Vikassa School, says, “Student's must realise that last minute preparations never help. And they must ask questions. There's nothing wrong in clarifying doubts and asking the teachers for help. The parents must ensure children have regular sleep patterns and not spend too much time on extra-curriculars.”

Speaking of the need to maintain a healthy home environment, Manjula Palaniswamy a psychologist, says, “Parents must avoid big family events or fighting at home.

The children need to be on a balanced and healthy environment. They need to focus both their physical and mental energies on studying and that should be the only focus for the time being. Kids left alone to study is also not a good idea. Parental supervision and involvement is essential to curb anxiety.”

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