How to prepare yourself for public exams?

Updated on: Thursday, February 09, 2012

By this time most of the students would be ardently studying aspiring to become doctors, engineers, architects, designers and various other professional studies and taking up various other professional course for a great career.

Here we provide some useful tips for all those students. Please avoid last minute study and forgo the plan of studying on the holidays provided between exams. These are times to revise, but not to do the actual studying. Well, if you have not started studying, at least start immediately.  

Affix the examination schedule at your vicinity somewhere close to the place where you sit and study regularly. Make a proper schedule for each subject giving sufficient time for weaker subjects.  

First of all every student should be aware of the examination schedule and timings. Plus two common exams begin on March 8. All the exam begins at 10.15 AM and finishes at 1:15 PM. Instead of arriving at the examination center at the right time, it is good to be present at your examination center at least 15 minutes before the schedule time. Avoid last minute hurrying, especially if taking a long drive to the exam center. If not writing in your own school, but going to another new school ensure to reach the center at least 1 hour before the commencement of exams on the first day. Then you would be able to calculate the exact time for travel and adjust accordingly for the coming days.

Make sure to avoid tension during the examination days. Tension arises only when there is no proper planning. So plan prudently keeping thinks like socks, ribbons, shoes and writing accessories everything intact in its respective place to avoid searching in the last minute that will make you tensed.

Before entering the examination hall make sure you have enough materials for the examination like pen, ink, pencil, scale, sharpener, drawing material and other accessories that are permissible.  Checked out your pockets for any scrap written notes that you would have used for your revision purpose or list of other things that are objectionable.

Once inside the hall do not try to talk with anyone. Talking unnecessarily with the invigilator could also invite punishment. In stead take 2 minutes time to relax, so that all your apprehension and tension eases away.

Students would be given 10 minutes to read through the question paper from 10:00 AM to 10:10 AM. Then, 5 minutes would be provided for writing certain details on your answer sheet.  It is very important to manage the writing time properly, without spending too much time on one particular question.

After completing the exam make sure that you have minimum of 10 minutes to unhurriedly read through the answer sheet at least once. Manage the time accordingly throughout the exam so that you get that time to read.
Its a proven fact that 80% of the students have a habit of jumping words and subjects. During this reading time you can get a chance to rectify these mistakes, which could help you obtain more marks.
Both while coming to your exam and after the exam back home on the way avoid arguments with classmates over the question paper, instead get yourself prepared for the next exam. Keep away from quarrels or any petty teenage brawls on the way back home. Make sure not loose your cool in any untoward incident happening within the family or in neighborhood. 

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