Sibal proposes social science innovation research centre

Updated on: Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Observing that quality research in social sciences is crucial for sound policy decisions, Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal today proposed a social science innovation research centre besides a fellowship scheme for young scholars to spur growth in this field.
He also announced annual awards in social sciences like the Bhatnagar Awards to attract the bright minds towards social science.
"Unless we are able to lift the quality of research in India in social sciences, we will not be able to get the kind of data which are fundamental for policy makers to take decisions," Sibal said.
Addressing a conference organised by the Indian Council Of Social Science Research (ICSSR), the minister said acommittee was set up to suggest raising research activities as adequate social research is critical in a country like India where social sector investment is vital for development.
Proposing the social science innovation centre, he said the aim is to develop capacity in new and frontier areas of trans-disciplinary research.
"The centre would identify innovative research methodologies in frontier areas of knowledge and assist in building a network for carrying forward the research interests of institutions, scholars and teachers," he said.
Sibal said the ICSSR will develop a fellowship scheme for embedding young scholars in universities interested in pursuit
of social science research while 10 annual awards will be instituted to recognise advancement of knowledge in social
"While the field of sciences recognises advances research through the Bhatnagar awards, there is no comparative recognition to high quality research in social sciences," he said. 

The ICSSR was established in 1969 to promote research in social sciences in the country.
The council, Sibal said, could take the lead in developing a social science knowledge and research network, which can provide authorised translation of research papers in various languages for the community of researches in the country besides hosting peer review and research.
The ICSSR can also create a network of eminent academics to collaborate on creation of academic content including publication of texts, digests and manuscripts in specific areas in social sciences.
"These manuscripts would provide an inexpensive aid to teachers and students in social sciences and would be available in different languages," he said.
The manuscripts could be delivered electronically, available in national knowledge network which aims to interlink all institutes of higher learning in the information superhighway.
The Minister felt higher institutes and universities should play a more proactive role in the field of research along with teaching and evolve their own policy and programmes.
Advocating more autonomy for these institutes, he said several institutes including the IITs and the IIMs today are charting their own path academically as well as financially and also in matters of teachers recruitment.

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