ICECD to take entrepreneurship to Namibia

Updated on: Monday, February 06, 2012

City-based International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (ICECD) said it has tied up with the Namibian Government to start a business training programme for the youth in the south African country.
"We have tied up with the Namibian Youth Ministry to start up an entrepreneurship programme for the youth there. The project is going to start very soon," ICECD Director Hina Shah said.
The project is slated to start in next two months.
"Our target is to impart training to around 8,000 youth in Namibia over a period of three years," ICECD Senior Executive Chandramauli Pathak said.
"We have a micro-credit programme running in India, which helps youth and urban poor to become entrepreneurs. It is supported by the Commonwealth Youth initiative, which is part of the UK-based Commonwealth Secretariat," he said.
Under this programme ICECD provides training to youth, offers doorstep credit, collection and delivery, based on their entrepreneurial behaviour. 

"The same micro-credit model shall be replicated in Namibia too," Pathak said.
"The Ministry of Youth in Namibia and Commonwealth Youth Programme have set up a fund for this programme. We shall provide training to the youths and shall be engaged in micro-credit management for it," the senior executive said.
"Under the programme, youth shall be trained, given micro-credit assistance between USD 150-250 and in certain special cases up to USD 500," Pathak said.
The Commonwealth Youth Programme was established by the Commonwealth heads in 1973.
ICEDC, which completed 25 years of its foundation, organised a walkathon event titled 'A Walk to Self-reliance'.

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