School principals called to submit fee structure

Updated on: Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chennai: The directorate of matriculation schools has asked schools to submit the fee structure based on what they had collected from students at the beginning of the academic year, to determine whether the school was justified in collecting such fee.

Dividing schools in Chennai into four zones, the inspectors of matriculation schools conducted meetings with principals of schools in each of the zones, at four places in the city on Tuesday and Wednesday. More than 100 principals took part in each meeting where an inspector of matriculation schools issued warnings against collection of fee other than tuition fee or special fee. The official also cautioned school managements against collecting money from students as capitation fee or donation.

The directorate instructed schools to submit various documents for perusal by its officials. Details of fee demanded by schools were asked to be submitted, along with other information such as the list of teaching and nonteaching staff, their qualifications and experience, building licence and structural feasibility, latest recognition order, declaration that they would pay inspection fee regularly, requirement of Tamil textbooks given free to the schools for the next academic year.

The directorate also seems determined to crack the whip on schools on the issue of corporal punishment as well as on schools that refused to part with transfer certificates of students who wished to discontinue studies after the start of the academic year, demanding money for the service instead. The inspectors of matriculation schools admonished principals of schools for refusing to give teachers their service register when the latter obtained a government job and had to leave the school midway.

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