A real-life experience

Updated on: Monday, January 30, 2012

Said Business School at the University of Oxford has recently announced the launch of a pre-MBA internship programme , which is designed to introduce students to new work opportunities before they join the one year full-time MBA programme at Oxford.

As to how it will help students, Derek Walker , director of careers at Said Business School, explains that students considering a career change will benefit from a focused experience in a specific industry, giving them a competitive edge in their post-MBA career search. To sum up, the programme will give them some experience of their target industry.

"Many students undertake an MBA to make a career change either by sector, role or geographical region, but in today's economic climate, making that shift is difficult and MBAs need to stand out from the crowd," says Walker.

The duration of the pre-MBA internship programme is of 8-12 weeks and scheduled to conclude before the start of the MBA programme in October. Candidates will be able to apply for one of the 10 internships initially being made available once a student is accepted on the MBA programme.

Not mandatory, the programme will be open to a relatively small number of students - five to 10 in the first year. For details, visit www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/degrees/mba/Pages/Preinternship .aspx.

As to the eligibility criteria, all students admitted in the first two stages of the admissions process for the MBA are eligible to apply.

While international students are eligible to apply, they will need full work authorisation for the location they wish to complete the internship in.

The initiative has been launched by the Careers Service at Said Business School, which will work in collaboration with members of the Young Presidents Organisation that will source internship opportunities with employers. www.sbs.ox.ac.uk

Times of India

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