IISc to have campus in Chitradurga

Updated on: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It has always been ‘destination Bangalore’ for top-end research in various branches of science in Karnataka. But soon, researchers can turn towards Challakere in Chitradurga district. For, the establishment of a branch of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in this place has received official approval.

Four teams of experts have already visited the area to find out the feasibility, and have given the green signal. Following this, the Government has ordered the district administration to allocate the required land.

The district administration has granted nearly 2,000 acres at Kudapur village. The site planning for the prestigious project is underway.

Though no specific information on total investment is available, sources believe that the project, at the initial stage, needs at least Rs. 2,000 crore.

Recently, a team after visiting the place handed over a cheque for Rs. 4.5 crore towards the purchase of land to Deputy Commissioner Amlan Aditya Biswas.

P. Balaram, Director of IISc, who recently inspect ed the site, said the Institute was eager to start the project as early as possible, since allocation of land was already over.

The Institute would need 100 to 150 scientists and around 1,000 research faculty. “Based on the requirements, the staff strength would be enhanced and more scientists would be appointed.”

With regard to the work schedule, he said that multiple projects in various sectors would be undertaken. “The Institute would carry on research work in renewable energy, space science, aerospace, water resource technology, ecology and environment.”

The branch would open up job opportunities for research students of various departments.

Mr. Balaram hoped that the project would begin within a year. Though there is no deadline set, the energy centre itself would take 3-4 years for completion.

Sources said that the Institute was planning to invite Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Defence Minister A.K. Antony to lay the foundation stone for the project, which is tentatively scheduled for September this year.

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