Assam varsity signs MoU with Dhaka's Jagannath Univ

Updated on: Monday, January 30, 2012

Assam University here has signed a memorandum of understanding(MoU) with Jagannath University(JU) of Dhaka for advancement of learning through teaching and research and to strengthen ties between the two countries.
The MoU between the central university and the Bangladesh institution was signed recently, AU Vice-chancellor Tapodhar Bhattacharjee said.

As per the agreement, signed by Bhattacharjee and JU Vice-chancellor Mesbahuddin Ahmed, the two universities would conduct programmes and activities in basic and applied research, education and training and technology and information transfer.
The MoU was jointly prepared to encourage long-term academic co-operation between the two universities which would encourage activities in the fields of science, arts, business and social science, law, education, information technology, fine arts and all other fields of mutual interest, he said.
It also stressed the need for exchange of academic staff and conducting joint academic research for a period of time agreed upon in advance by the authorities of the two universities.
The two institutes would participate in conferences, seminars and there would be joint supervision of post graduate dissertation for master and doctoral degrees.
Their academic staff would be encouraged to spend their sabbatical leave at the other university for a period not less than one academic year, in which they would enjoy all the rights of the staff of the host university.

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