KARMA ?YOGA - an outreach of Great Lakes

Updated on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012

“KARMA YOGA”, is a Leadership Experiential Project (LEP) that is an integral part of the Post-Graduate Program in Management (PGPM) curriculum at Great Lakes.

Established in the year 2004, Great Lakes Institute of Management offers world-class management programs designed to help each student realize his or her full potential.

Just as a swimming pool is required to learn swimming, a live setting with actual potential followers is needed to learn leadership. KARMA-YOGA, provides a platform to the students for transforming the theory learnt in the classroom into reality.

The project is a unique medium for students to connect with ground realities and experientially learn transformational leadership. The LEP creates a mutual win-win situation for both the students and the villages.

Through project the villages get budding managers to enable the villagers to lift themselves into their better selves, while the students acquire a first-hand understanding of what it means to create followers and transform them.

Great lakes has adopted 20 villages surrounding the institute for the LEP.

Students visit these Karma-Yoga villages every week with the mission of enhancing the self-esteem and self-efficacy of the villagers  (i.e., to empower them), so that they are able to lead a better quality life.

Focusing in the fields of education,  health, agriculture, and small business, Great Lakers have been organizing health camps, financial inclusion programs, agricultural training programs, activity-based learning programs, etc., in association with leading hospitals and  several NGOs. Karma-Yoga project runs throughout the year and has been quietly transforming the lives of the people around the institute's campus.

Through student exchange programme, overseas students periodically visit these villages as a part of their curriculum.

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