Cochin varsity a laggard on computerisation

Updated on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), the only tech varsity in the state, is lagging on computerisation.

Calicut University launched its e-governance system on January 7 using internal and government resources and Keltron support.

The controversy surrounding the Rs 2-crore computerisation project is evolving along the lines of Kochi Metro row where open tender was considered for bringing in private players.

The CUSAT controller of examinations, Dr Philip Kurien has said that the varsity will go for two bid system for computerization of the examination wing.

He said that the Syndicate had taken a decision in this regard and the works will be awarded after an open tender in the near future.

He said that the two bid system involves a financial bid and a technical bid. “Those who meet the technical specifications will only be considered for the financial bid,” he said.

The computerization of Cusat’s examination wing had landed in a controversy in November last with the IT expert in the last Syndicate Mr Anwar Sadath writing a letter to the vice-chancellor pointing out that varsity examination matters are quite sensitive and should not be given to private players.

He had suggested deployment of a software with the varsity as one party and Keltron as the other for the computerisation. However the varsity authorities are hell bent on proceeding with the open tender.

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