Women voters seek reforms in education system

Updated on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Young girls in the city seek reforms in the education system. So before choosing a candidate in the upcoming assembly poll, they would evaluate the background of all the candidates and their promises before zeroing in on the one who deserves their vote.

Ankita Mittal, a BEd student, said, "Education system is plagued with lot of anomalies in the state, from primary schools to government colleges, all look sad, fatigued and unkempt. Sending children to costly private schools has become a necessity for parents, for the quality of education looks very poor in government schools. Rational approach is missing in government educational institutions, be it in teaching methods, availability of books, laboratories, or mid-day meal in primary schools. My vote will go to the person who is aware of the potholes in the education system and would take steps to make the situation better."

Times of India

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