Free training in open source for IT Job Seekers

Updated on: Monday, July 27, 2009

Chennai: The Chennai based CHIPKIDZ, an open source youth employment centre, launched a free training initiative in open source for unemployed but graduated job seekers & students.

Chipkidz, promoted by Tenth Planet Technologies, a leading Open Source software developer, contributes industry experts and mentors at free of cost to provide hand -on 40 hours-a-week training for the job seekers. CHIPKIDZ community shares the knowledge, co-develop IT solutions for the Indian market using Open Source and aims to create employment oportunities for 1, 00, 000 graduates and students by 2010 in Open Source.

CHIPKIDZ focus is to launch real IT enterprise solutions design, development and testing jobs for ERP, Content Management Systems, Customer Relations Management, Business Intelligence, E-Commerce, mobile platform and Social networking platforms built using Open Source by these young graduates into the domestic marketplace. These solutions created by the unemployed graduate workforce will be introduced in the market at low cost for NGOs, communities and various other social, government projects.

Mr.Kumaran Mani, CEO, Chipkidz, said, "Chipkidz  is an initiative to reduce unemployment ratio in India amongst young educated graduates. Chipkidz model is designed for empowering the youth of India to understand the value of Open Source and leveraging it for cretaing innovative IT solutions and creating opportunities for them to generate more wealth in domestic market.

Open Source will liberate them from unemployment worries and create employment not only for them but also turn some of them into entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Chipkidz is promoting a collaborative partnership model between the open source educators, communities, providers and customers to understand the true value of open source and leverage it for innovating low cost IT solutions, creating new market opportunities and reducing the unemployment amongst educated graduates,  he said,

The Open Source industry is booming, as Open Source technologies are becoming more of mainstream solutions. From the various market study reports, Open Source is currently roughly over a $12B market share across the globe and projected to reach more than $30B by year 2012, Kumaran Mani added.

Open Source ecosystem fosters innovation, open collaboration and new service models for IT likes Saas [software as a service], Cloud Computing, Web 2.0, etc very quickly to the market. As many as 15% of the IT positions now on the market call for open source sofware skills, he told. " Our vison and mission is to promote Open Source as an alternative solution for employment, entrepreneurship for unemployed graudates and reliable low cost enterprise IT business olution and architecture for customers, " he said.

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Phone: 044 - 42961000

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