Give emphasis to research, IIM-A alumnus tells B-Schools

Updated on: Thursday, January 12, 2012

A masters degree in business administration is now only equal to yesteryear’s graduation degree, said IIM-A alumnus and management guru Dr. P.V. Lakshmipathy, adding that business schools should look beyond placement records and give more emphasis to research.

Irrespective of whether or not students appear for CAT, they should prepare for the examination as it helps them gain qualities and skills that are essential for success in life, held told Deccan Chronicle soon after the results of this year’s CAT was released.


Are students showing interest in getting business degrees?

Getting a business degree today is like getting a graduation degree of yesteryears. If one is not doing medicine, law, architecture or computer sciences, a MBA degree is considered the least qualification one should possess. In many cases it also makes one ‘marriageable-marketable’.

Why are the engineers looking for management degrees?

The options for engineers are to pursue a masters and then a speciality in a chosen field of engineering, or take the easier route to employability by doing an MBA, which is faster, cheaper and less competitive.

What is your advice for CAT aspirants?

I would suggest that all students attend these coaching classes even if they do not plan to write CAT. The essence of CAT preparation is all about being able to digest and process data better, to communicate effectively, to be a better team member and a team leader. These qualities and skills are essential for success irrespective of the vocation.

Is the current curriculum at B-schools meeting the demands of industry?

Certainly not! A wide gap exists. But for the addition of a topic here or there, or a subject here or there, I do not see a directed approach to matching the needs of the industry. Even a direction towards meeting the sectoral needs is perfunctory. Further, the fundamental skills, traits, abilities that are so essential to ‘perform’ on the job are not concentrated on.

What is the current trend in business schools?

Business schools find that a ‘placement record’ is the criterion by which students apply and hence their focus is on improving this record, both in average pay and in percentage placement. Hence the training, coaching and inputs are slanted towards this rather than the overall development of the student.

Is there any auditing system to judge quality levels of business schools in India?

‘Placement’ seems to be the only auditing. This is not appropriate. When independent bodies undertake B-School surveys, they should add an index that shows the success of students three years after they graduate. Such indices would give a more accurate measure of the quality of education imparted.

Do you think we have quality management institutions?

We have the institutions but not the emphasis. ‘Research’ is the only route to producing ‘gurus’. It is so simple and inexpensive to tie up with international institutions, even if just to replicate the research done there in the Indian context. The ‘Indian brain’ is inferior to none. All that is needed is the intent, the resources and the associated reward for achievement.

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