War of the words becomes a huge hit

Updated on: Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some time ago, students of Christ Nagar Higher Secondary School in Thiruvananthapuram had gone to Bangalore to attend a competition called ‘Debating Matters’, organised by the British Council.

This proved to be an inspiration for the school to conduct an inter-school debating contest called ‘War of Words’ in Thiruvananthapuram. Eight city-based schools took part in the event held last Saturday, out of which Carmel Girls Higher Secondary school emerged the winner. The contest was in four rounds - an informal debate round, a mock UN summit round, a classical debate round and finally a moot court round. Says George Jacob, a student of St Thomas Central School: “The topics are all relevant. They are not the usual ideological stuff, but socially relevant.”

“Mullaperiyar row was chosen as the topic of the final round in which each team represented the CMs of Tamil Nadu and Kerala,” says Thomas Mani, vice-principal of Christ Nagar. Jyothis Padmanabhan, a class XI student of Christ Nagar Higher Secondary School and the chief coordinator of the event, says:

“‘War of the Words’ propagates the concept that you can avoid conflicts if you just sit down and talk about it. Students have to be able to speak out opinions and be well versed in socially important topics, especially because they are the leaders of tomorrow.”

Ms Sheela Shaji from Carmel school was selected as the best speaker.

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