No re-evaluation in Delhi University from 2013

Updated on: Monday, January 09, 2012

Delhi University (DU) is planning to 'scrap' the reevaluation system from 2013. An official of the examination department of DU says, "As per the Supreme Court judgement of August 2011, it is the prerogative of the examining body whether to extend the facility of re-evaluation or not. Despite the judgement, we have been carrying out the process of re-evaluation for the benefit of students."

However, after scrapping the re-evaluation system, the university will still continue with 'rechecking' of the answer scripts. According to inside sources, while in re-evaluation the answer script of a student is evaluated all over again by the examiner , 're-checking' would imply that the examiner only re-totals the marks in the answer sheet.

If the university 'scraps' the re-evaluation system, it is likely to create other alternatives for the benefit of students. "To start with, we will get every answer script corrected by at least two examiners for an error-free result ," explains a DU official on condition of anonymity.

However, SK Kaushik, faculty of maths at Kirori Mal College, says, "The re-evaluation system is unique and should be continued . Being a part of the examination checking team, I know that teachers who check papers can make a mistake. If the re-evaluation system is scrapped, students will suffer and there can be no equal alternative."
Jitender Chaudhary, a secondyear student of Buddhist study, DU says, "The re-evaluation system is important for students. Without it, how do we redress our issues?"

Pankaj Garg, faculty of maths in Rajdhani College says, "The re-evaluation system should be continued because it is important for students. DU can cut its expenses in other ways by streamlining the whole re-evaluation system. Instead of sending the copies to examiners at various centres, for example, DU should request teachers to convene at the examination branch and get the copies re-evaluated there. In addition to saving time, the additional cost for sending copies to so many examiners will also be saved in this way."

Considering the fact that around 45 lakh re-evaluation applications are received every year, Ajay Chikara, president, Delhi University Students Union (DUSU), feels that scrapping of the system will be disadvantageous for students.

Times of India

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