GLIMs great push to north soon

Updated on: Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Prof. Bala V. Balachandran says there is no immediate end in sight to Europe's gloom.

The financial crisis in the continent will continue as a few more European Union countries are likely to collapse in 2012, the founder and dean of Great Lakes Institute of Management (GLIM) told DC on Monday.

Prof. Bala was sceptical about Greece, Italy, France and Germany. “There is tremendous debt in those countries and someone has to pay it. Crisis has been looming there, but the effects were delayed due to Christmas and New Year,” he said.

Prof. Bala said the UK couldn't be expected to chip in for others. About Germany, he said West Germany was doing well, but it had taken excess baggage in the form of East Germany, which was not productive. “How long can West Germany subsidise for East Germany?”

To find a market for its goods, he suggested India look East and forge partnerships with China and Japan.

All GLIM students are trained in Mandarin, a Chinese language, from Day 1, as Prof. Bala feels there is no future without a relationship with China.

“We [India] can co-create with China. While we can ensure quality, they can give us the quantity,” he said.

Prof. Bala has designed an environment friendly campus for his students in Mamallapuram, Chennai. The campus, which harvests rainwater, has been built using recycled bricks.

Prof. Bala said GLIM would freeze student intake at 300 in Chennai to maintain quality and soon open campuses in Gurgaon, Mumbai and Bhubaneswar for a pan-India appeal.

The institute was also planning to go global by starting a business school in Malay-sia, Singapore, Dubai or Abu Dhabi, he said.

Prof. Bala said GLIM was scouting for land in Gurgaon, while it had already acquired nine acres in Mumbai. “We will start the Mumbai institute in 18 months.”

Prof. Bala said the Orissa government had welcomed his proposal to set up campus in Bhubaneswar and was offering suitable land. “We are looking at creating a university on the lines of Great Lakes University for Corporate World,” he said.

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