School bus owners to wait and watch

Updated on: Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Members of the School Bus Owners’ Association (SBOA) finally have positive assurances to look forward to.

SBOA representatives met the state transport secretary, S K Sharma, with a list of seven changes that they wanted to be included in the School Bus Safety Policy on Jan 2. The transport department has assured SBOA of positive changes within 10 days and requested them to defer their strike.

“We deliberated over the seven demands and the transport secretary understood our problem. The department has asked for 10 days to make the changes in the Government Resolution,” said Deepak Naik, a representative of SBOA. They have also been told that another meeting will be called within these 10 days to get clarity on the issues at hand.

SBOA had earlier alleged that RTO officials, in guise of conducting checks, were harassing bus drivers and contractors. They also added that on many occasions, contractors were fined for “anomalies” that were not included on the safety list.

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