Indians in Malaysia urged to safeguard Tamil language

Updated on: Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ethnic Indians in Malaysia should do more to safeguard Tamil language to hold on to their identities and customs, a senior minister has said.

Indian culture and traditions would be lost if nothing was done to safeguard the Tamil language, said A Kohilan Pillayas, the deputy foreign minister.

Of the almost 8 per cent ethnic Indians comprising the country's 28 million people, a majority of them are Tamilians.

Kohilan urged temple committees and other religious organisations to hold programmes and seminars on Indian culture.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Education Ministry has been urged to place Tamil language teachers in secondary schools to encourage the subject.

Malaysia Hindu Sangam Chairman V Palanisamy said there was low response now from students to take up the subject, which is taught on Fridays after school, according to local daily 'Tamil Nesan'.

"This means fewer students are taking Tamil language in the school examinations," he was quoted as saying.

The matter would be raised at the next Parliament sitting in March next year.

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