Teenagers losing sleep over excess use of technology

Updated on: Monday, December 26, 2011

Teenagers spend maximum time on gadgets like computers, video games and cell phones, which causes sleep deprivation, resulting into health problems like obesity and depression, a study has said.

These days children spend over eight hours a day playing video games, browsing Internet, sending SMSes and watching TV, an Assocham study said.

"Easy access to technology with lack of parental supervision is the main reason for increasing technology addiction among youths. Activities like watching TV and chatting online have greatly reduced teenagers' sleeping time," it said.

The chamber surveyed 2,500 youths (both males and females) in 10 major cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Pune.

The study said majority of youngsters, mainly in the age group of 10-18 years, are getting less than eight hours of sleep.

"Children of working parents are found to be more technology addictive in the absence of parental supervision as compared to those whose single-parent is engaged in employment," it said.

This trend is mainly witnessed in metropolitan cities where normally both the parents are employed, it added.

New technologies such as cell phones and social networking sites give teenagers easy access to their friends 24 hours a day, the survey said.

"Excessive usage of mobile phones makes teenagers more restless and cause fatigue," it added.

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