Quizzing and Fun

Updated on: Thursday, December 22, 2011

‘Know Kolkata Quiz’ held at Modern High School for Girls, part of the ongoing ‘Kolkata Festival’ saw some brilliant contests. Quizmaster for the morning was Mir. The quiz was all about who knew his or her city the best.
The parents also participated in the quiz along with their children, which made it all the more interactive and fun. The quiz made parents feel like school children once again, sitting on stage participating in a school quiz.
There were eight teams with each team consisting of two schoolgirls with their respective parent. The first round was called ‘mixed bag’ where each team had to choose a subject on which they were quizzed.

Subjects varied from language, public buildings, clubs, markets, sports, politics and literature to fiction. The variety in subjects and the questions asked made the session very interesting and each team did superbly in the first round.

This was followed by ‘who am I’ which was about guessing a given personality or subject through a clue. The ‘audio round’ followed next. Then there was quite an innovative round called ‘make the connection’. Each team was given a set of four words and they had to find a connection between them. Some teams struggled to find a connection while for others it was a cake walk.
‘Audience round’ saw the audience interacting and taking part in the quiz. It was quite a break for the contestants before the ‘buzzer round’ which was for the quick thinkers.

The quiz ended with team D winning the first prize. Team B was the runner-up. The quiz was followed by an exquisite exhibition called Magical Kolkata which was a joint effort of students and their parents.

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