Developing the art of writing

Updated on: Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man and writing an exact man. - Francis Bacon

Mantra of writing is that when a child starts to write, it stimulates several thought processes in the brain. After that, the child tries to come out and speak about the writing.

Drawing is also a stage in communication as well as a wonderful component of communication. It is a very important phase of a child. Drawing is a simple method to reveal child's thought. Before the inception of writing, it was a pioneer tool for communication. But, it did not develop much as a communication tool due to its lack in scientific approach.

Do encourage your child to draw. It is good for your child to draw their thoughts. Later, it would be possible for the child to write gradually. Even a talkative child, while writing would be quite and calm.

Developing writing skill

These days, as there are more number of students in a class, teachers are unable to provide inpidual attention to student's writing practice. But, unlike teachers, parents can provide more time with their child to develop their writing ability. Writing clears the thoughts of a child and improves their coordination. Good writing practice enables a child to become a good communicator.

Encouraging children

Avoid compelling and straining your child in the name of writing practice. As a result of this, your child may hate writing practice. Instead of compelling, offering small gifts, motivating and appreciating would enhance their interest to write more. Easily, we can change writing practice as a joyful leisure.

Keep reading stories and poems with children. Childs imagination can improve with your reading style and the tune with which you provide for the poems. Try to incorporate the word game as your family game to improve your child's vocabulary. It (vocabulary) forms a powerful tool in developing your child into a versatile and excellent communicator.  Also, teach your child to use dictionary properly.

As working parents, you may not be able to spend enough time with your child. As result of this, your child may not get chances to reveal their ideas to you verbally. In such a situation, it is good to recommend your child to write their thoughts. Because, their thoughts would be more clear on papers than their verbal communication. Your childs ability to communicate and think depend much on regular writing practices.

Place and time not important

Allot a specific place at your home for your child to do writing practice.  But, dont scold or shout at them if they do their practice in another place. Because, here, freedom is very important, not the place. Do not consider it as a big mistake.

Avoid fixing time to complete a particular writing or drawing to your child. A child needs enough time to think. A child will differ from our thinking. A childs thought may wander here and there or gaze at anything outside while thinking. So, do not disturb. Child's brain takes sometime to get started.

Proper approach

Mistakes are unavoidable in your child's writing practice. So, parents or guardians should not criticize or blame children for these silly mistakes. These mistakes are like failures, which are leading to success.

Only concept is important than mistakes. Mistakes will automatically vanish.

Ensure inpidual right

Do not overwrite your child's own writing. If you do so, your child's uniqueness may be affected. Your child is the only proprietor for their effort. Do not distort the uniqueness of your child.

Forget criticism

Every genius flowers from the plant of appreciation. So, do not fail to praise special efforts of your child's writing. Forget about criticizing on faults. If your childs writing features nuance, explanation, new thoughts and imagination, it means, your child exposes their geniusness.


As, it is the beginning stage; if your child follows someones style in their writing do not be worried. If you happen to ask most of the present renowned writers in the world they would certainly say that they were coveted by some prominent authors during their early stages of writing.  Gradually, your child will get their uniqueness.

Encouraging communication

Provide training to your child by asking them to write letters to your relatives and friends. As a result of this, the ability to communicate socially will improve drastically. Do encourage your child to write his/her own compliments in greeting cards and send it to friends and relatives.

Introduce the culture of pen friends to your child and open a new world.

Ask to write what is heard

If your child likes a particular song very much (ensure it is filthy or not), you tell them to write it on the paper. Poems and sonnets are also appropriate items for writing practice. Good writing practice not only enhances the ability of your child's hand but also its brain's.

Listing habit

It is good to teach them to list out in order to avoid forgetting home works, arranging books in shelf and buying lot of groceries. This habit is to make your child as an expert in organizing. List provides vision to decide that where we should start and where we should finish.

Reading journals

Through reading, one can develop their writing ability. So, train your child to read journals. News journals and tourism journals are appropriate for this purpose. News journals for social knowledge and tourism journals for love on world.

Parents should realize that not all parents can afford sending their child for training and special classes of writing. At the same time, all children need not go for special classes.

If parents follow some of the above-mentioned tips, their children will certainly show good positive results. Parents should not compromise on developing their childs writing practice shunning away their responsibility showing the development found in IT and Communication segment as the need for writing has decreased enormously.

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