Interview through telephone and videoconference

Updated on: Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Although, traditional face-to-face interview is still prevalent, nowadays, the entire interview process could be carried out even without the interviewer being present in a country, staying elsewhere across miles in another country.

Although, traditional face-to-face interview is still prevalent, nowadays, the entire interview process could be carried out even without the interviewer being present in a country, staying elsewhere across miles in another country.

Present interview process is highly technically updated. Telephonic interview and video conferencing interview are prominent among them. Let us discuss about the features of these interviews modes.

Telephonic interview

In order to save time and make adjustment to this speedy world this type of interview is preferred. Questions asked in the face-to-face personal traditional interviews, also will be asked in this type of interview. Depending on your answer through telephone, the interviewing team will take a final decision. Though, there are some shortcoming in this type of interview, it is generally used for selecting high profile candidates.

This interview is designed in an organized manner. A group of people will contact you one by one through telephone after the group leader introduces other members to you. Each member of the group will ask you some questions. The interview process will come to an end after the question session is over. Finally, the group will take a decision based on your answers.

Some tips to shine in telephone interview

* Preparing for telephonic interview is similar to the preparation for traditional interview. For this interview too use all tactics and techniques like in the traditional interview.

* Freedom will be provided to choose date and time for this telephonic interview otherwise sometimes the company will decide about it. Try to be flexible in fixing interview date and time. Make sure that you are well prepared on that date and time.

* Do not lose your focus during telephone interview, as it will spoil the entire thing. Note the names of persons, who are interviewing you.

* When the phone is passed to another person, just ask their name to make you at ease and have comfortable communication. Do not forget to greet them.

* Keep all necessary documents and certificates handy with you to refer without any delay. Keep a paper and pen also beside you to take any notes.

* Do not forget to thank when completing your conversation.

* Keeping your tone balanced give a brief and clear answer.

Video conferencing interview

Almost, this interview is like the traditional interview as the interviewers can see you and watch your mannerisms although they are not physically present in front of you. Both, the candidate as well as the interview panel watches each other through video conferencing process.  Some companies always prefer this interview mode.

This type of interview is conducted in organised manner. A group of interviewers will participate in it and the leader will introduce other members to you and the number of persons in a group may vary.

Each member in the interview panel will ask series of questions. After questioning is over, this interview process is complete. Make sure to behave and perform in this interview like traditional (face to face) interview.

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