Bangalore University: A varsity at war with itself

Updated on: Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A day after the unrest at the Central College campus of Bangalore University, involving ABVP activists, Vice-Chancellor Dr N. Prabhu Dev and his bete noir, university registrar Prof. B.C. Mylarappa got into a slanging match.

* Dr Prabhudev complained to Governor H.R. Bhardwaj accusing registrar Prof. B.C. Mylarappa of instigated the students. In his three-page complaint, Dr Prabhu Dev alleged that some syndicate members, along with Prof Mylarappa, had hatched conspiracy against him. “The whole incident is a fallout of such a conspiracy. They wanted me to resign. They are using some students against me”, he claimed.

* Not to be outdone, Prof Mylarappa met Higher education minister Dr V.S.Acharya on Tuesday evening at his residence. Sources said Prof Mylarappa handed over a letter listing 15 complaints against the V-C.

* Dr Prabhu Dev will meet minister Dr V.S. Acharya on Wednesday to discuss the various problems plaguing the university, including problems in the examination section.

* According to a senior professor close to Dr Prabhu Dev, the governor has assured all support to the V-C. “He has promised that he will not allow any anti-social elements to take over the campus”, the professor claimed.

Politics of power: BU’s ground reality

Universities are expected to be citadels of learning, but Bangalore University (BU) has of late made news less for its research and academic achievements and more for the power struggles in its top echelons.

Vice chancellor (VC) Dr N. Prabhu Dev’s differences with his registrars and a few syndicate members have grabbed more headlines than is good for the reputation of a university that is expected to turn out individuals of excellence, capable of leading in all fields.

The ground reality is murky in the university, divided into factions so badly that its day-to-day administration and teaching are affected. Agitations and protests have become order of the day and the vice chancellor and higher education minister Dr V.S.Acharya’s disagreements are only fuelling the confusion.

Not too long ago the V-C’s tug of war with registrars Prof. M.G.Krishnan and Prof. M.S. Talwar dominated the university’s affairs. Their exit did not end the fracas however.

Soon afterwards Prof. R.M.Ranganath’s term as registrar ended abruptly amidst allegations of his involvement in irregularities in the building of the Kolar Post Graduate (PG) center. The appointment of Prof. B C Mylarappa as his successor on November 2 has given way to fresh drama as he reportedly has the backing of a few syndicate members lined up against Dr Prabhu Dev. While those in favour of the VC claim he is facing a backlash for introducing several reforms in the university, especially in the examination section, others accuse him of being autocratic and biased.

The first group however, blames the present problems in the university on “some vested interests who are against reforms and are instigating unrest among students and employees.”

Those who are against the VC's reforms have brought in Prof. B.C. Mylarappa as the new registrar. The syndicate members appointed by the state government are not allowing him to take any decision whatsoever, even in routine matters. The registrar is dancing to their tunes and instead of setting things right, Dr. Acharya too is giving Dr Prabhu Dev a hard time,” alleges a senior faculty member.

But others accuse Dr Prabhu Dev of being casteist and autocratic. “When the state government appointed Prof. Krishnan and Prof. Talwar as registrar and registrar (evaluation) respectively, Dr Prabhu Dev forced it to remove them within a few months. He is not a team player, that is the problem,” claims a professor.

Q&A with Dr N. Prabhu Dev, Vice Chancellor (VC) , Bangalore University

Who is causing the present unrest in the university?

A: Everybody knows who is instigating the students. That is why I have stopped visiting the Jnana Bharati campus.

Is it true that some syndicate members are behind the students’ agitation?

Yes. Everyone knows this. Some vested interests are out to remove me from the university. This is why you have all these anti- academic activities going on.

Why are you being targeted?

A: Some anti-social elements don't like the fact that we are going ahead with various examination reforms . In the past there were complaints about exam malpractices, marks cards scams, and bogus degree certificates being issued to students. But now we have been able to put an end to all this. This is not liked by the anti-social elements whose source of income has dried up as a result and so they want me out..

Was there any problem with last semester’s exam results as suggested by some protesting students?

There are several lakh students studying in the university, but how come only a handful face such problems? I am not responsible for the poor performance of the students. There are absolutely no problems with the exam section.

Do such protests dampen your spirit?

No. I have already prepared a calendar of events and am going ahead with all my plans. Such incidents can’t stop me from implementing developmental projects whether it is a Bangalore School of Economics or linking various research institutes.

Controversies dogging Bangalore University

Registrars shunted out

Soon after Prof.M.G.Krishnan and Prof. M.S. Talwar were appointed as registrar and registrar (evaluation) respectively in November 2009, it was alleged that vice chancellor Dr. N. Prabhudev tried to stop them from taking charge. They finally took over their duties in the absence of the VC, but within six months found themselves shunted out.

Kolar PG centre scam

A few syndicate members of the university led by Prof.K.V.Acharya complained to higher education minister Dr. V.S.Acharya that everything was not right in the construction of the Kolar PG center. Then registrar Prof. R.M.Ranganath found himself out of a job as a result.

Drama over new registrar

The state government’s decision to appoint Prof. B.C. Mylarappa as the new registrar of the university in place of Prof.R M Ranganath brought its own share of drama. The vice chancellor was reportedly not happy with his choice but government nominated syndicate members who wanted him, won the day. Since Prof. Mylarappa's appointment, the VC has reportedly stopped visiting the Jnana Bharati campus.

Hostel trouble

Responding to complaints that university hostels were being misused by those who were not students and had no business living in them, Dr. Prabhu Dev tried to crack the whip against them but came up against stiff resistance from students. Hundreds of students recently held a protest before the VC’s office for several days demanding hostel facility for all applicants.

Affiliation of colleges

Two years ago, a syndicate member was trapped by the Lokayukta while accepting money from a college to recommend affiliation. The VC’s decision to bring major changes in the affiliation system, including mandatory NAAC accreditation, has divided the university.

Division of the university

While an expert committee has recommended division of Bangalore University into three, Dr Prabhu Dev is vehemently opposed to it, leading to differences of opinion with higher education minister Dr V.S.Acharya.


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