Tips towards job search

Updated on: Saturday, December 17, 2011

In this era of technical advancement, searching a suitable job is tiring, weary and painful process, especially to the freshers’ coming from rural background who are first generation learners.

In this swiftly moving world prior planning is very important for every venture. Similarly, job-searching process needs prior planning.

Job searching process includes many features like developing industrial contact, knowing your interests, making future plans, analysing your background, evaluating your qualifications and skills, and identifying appropriate job opportunities.

Industrial level contacts

Making contacts with industrial persons and experts is a first step towards your job search. This contact will help you lot in getting appropriate and desirable job.

Meanwhile, there are few ways of making industrial contacts. Here, clear details about making that contact is provided:

Contacts with teachers

Firstly, your teachers would have more number of contacts with industrial persons. So, it is good to discuss about this first to your teachers. Generally, your teachers very well know about your skills, family situation, attitude and qualification. Many examples can be quoted regarding the beneficiaries, who have got good jobs through the efforts of their teachers.

Contacts with school and college friends

School and college friends can play a significant role in your job hunt. If your classmate is in good position and if you maintain a good relationship with him/her, he will be able to help you out in getting a job or they might introduce you to their friends, who might be working in other organisations, to obtain a desirable job. So, do not neglect anyone of your friends.

Contacts with alumni

Likewise, it is also important to maintain good relationship with the alumnis of your school and college. As, they would be certainly experienced in job hunting. Their experience could help you lot. Through your seniors, you could also get contacts of industrialists and other experts.

Making contacts while trainings

When you are attending internships, seminars, workshops and other training programmes you will get a chance to meet experts and achievers. It is important to get their attraction through your positive thoughts during such meetings. As a result of this, anyone of them could be a gateway for your entry in to a desirable job.

Joining professional organisations

Joining as a member in professional societies and organisations, will give chances to participate in the conferences and meetings of that concerns. Industrial experts and influential persons would head some of such meetings and conferences. Making contacts with them would lead to some openings of your desire. 

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