Meta - University to come-up by July 2012

Updated on: Thursday, December 15, 2011

In an effort to bring innovative changes in the education system, the DU, Jamia Milia Islamia varsity, Jawaharlal Nehru varsity and IIT-Delhi are planning to create a Meta-University.

The collaboration aims to provide easily accessible higher education for everyone.

Delivering a lecture on 'Education in 21st Century' at Vasant Valley School on Dec.14, Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, DU said that some students may not want to complete semesters in quick succession. They can sit in any university and pursue the options they desire. That is the fun of Meta-University.

Mr. Singh further pointed out that India needs to improve the ways of imparting and seeking education. In this age of global change, creating a hybrid model of education is essential and therefore, a Meta-University will be launched in July 2012.

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