Tech boost worries psychiatrists

Updated on: Thursday, December 15, 2011

Schools are slowly moving ahead with the times and technology is bringing about major changes in classrooms as well as teaching techniques. However, effects on children due to exposure to new gadgets cannot be ignored and this has been a standing debate between educationists as well as psychiatrists across the globe.

“Schools in the US and UK have done research and found that technology, when used rightly, helps in the overall development of a child,” said Vandana Lulla, director-principal, Podar International School, Santa Cruz (W). She added that the school had taken an initiative to make students use the iPad after putting a lot of thought into it.
Psychiatrists are worried about the sudden boost of technology in schools where human interaction is being replaced by latest gadgets. “I wonder if there’ll be proper use or simply abuse of technology provided to children. Especially little children, who may not understand the idea of addiction,” said Dr Sanjay Kumawat, member, Bombay Psychiatric Society. He added that once students get involved in gaming and the internet, they may lose interest in studies.

Many quoted cases where too much exposure to the internet and gadgets had led to addiction which needed psychiatric help. “Bonding between the teacher and students is the best method of education, everything else is an accessory. Students remember schools for the personal interaction they have had with teachers and colleagues, so gadgets will only reduce interaction time,” said psychiatrist Dr Harish Shetty.

While most schools are taking the initiative to include technology in classrooms to the best, some believe in following old techniques of teaching. “Students are anyway exposed to a lot of media and internet at home so it is important to include human interaction in schools. Even though our school is updated with latest developments in the media, our teaching methods will stay the same,” said Sudeshna Chatterjee, principal, Jamnabai Narsee School, Andheri (W).

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