4,835 Mizoram teachers yet to get salary

Updated on: Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mizoram education minister Lalsawta today told the state assembly that 4,835 teachers from 541 schools, drawing salaries from the state Plan did not receive salaries.
Replying to a query from C. Ramhluna of the opposition Mizo National Front (MNF), Lalsawta said that the teachers could not draw their salaries as adequate allocation for salaries was not allotted in the plan allocation.
Additional fund required for payment of salaries to the teachers was Rs 63.11 crore during the current fiscal, he said, adding that the state finance and planning departments were making all out efforts to ensure that the teachers and other department employees who have not received salaries get it before Christmas.
Sources said that while government school teachers have not received salaries since October, there were non-government school teachers who could not get salaries for months altogether.

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