SNDT womens varsity all set for hi-tech makeover

Updated on: Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The SNDT women’s university will go in for a hi-tech facelift. The authorities plan to equip students with computers and make premises of the varsity’s three campuses Wi-Fi enabled so that internet access is free for the students. This would mean that nearly 10,000 students on the campuses would be glued to netbooks. The university teachers are already being trained to create blogs that can be used for teaching.

The Wi-Fi plan may take a little longer but the university is already in talks with vendors for purchasing netbooks. The students will have to buy it on their own, but they will get it at a discounted price, almost 35% less than the market price. “Students will not be forced to buy it, but it is for their benefit. We have decided on the best configuration and as we are purchasing it in bulk, students will be at an advantage,” said Vasudha Kamat, vice-chancellor of the university.

Kamat added, “There are so many resources available online for students. Technology can make learning easier and also fun. Students will be trained on how to connect to blogs and how lectures could be simplified. If a teacher does a research or even a field visit, he/ she can put up the research work/ picture on their blogs and students can access it.”

The university also plans to introduce smart classes in all their post-graduate programmes. The renovation work at three floors of the Churchgate campus will begin in February and every smart class will be equipped with projectors and interactive boards. All the three campuses will have computer labs in case some decide not to purchase the netbooks. The university will also be experimenting with mobile learning.

A student from the university’s post-graduate department said, “The plan will be resourceful for students. We can access internet content during lectures. However, all students might not want to purchase the netbooks. If students are in their final year of passing out, they might not go in for it.


Students will be able to purchase netbooks at discounted rates

All the three campuses will be Wi-Fi enabled

Smart classes to be developed for PG students

All the campuses will have computer labs

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