Students are unaware about practical benefits of education

Updated on: Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"One can make tremendous changes in society if one wishes to do. It is only through education that our traditional values can be safeguarded. Education spreads awareness but unfortunately students of today are not aware of the practical aspects of education," said Prof Krishna Mishra, scientific advisor at the Institute of Applied Sciences ( IASc), while addressing the students at a Jal Chaupal in Sita Ram Inter College, Babuganj, Phulpur, under the project on Water Clinic.

Prof Mishra said, "With the advance of western culture, the conventional values are lost and man has become victim of several diseases. Science plays a major role to curb the menace of such diseases. Through science only we come to know the dos and don'ts which are must to lead a healthy life; as healthy mind resides in healthy bod."Chief guest Prof Alok Srivastava said "Science leads to knowledge. The problem arises only when we go away from nature. We need to make a conscious effort to conserve the natural resources. Let's take the case of water. Fresh water shortage is a growing concern across the world. We need to save it.

Times of India

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