Temporary timetable for +2 exams released

Updated on: Saturday, December 10, 2011

Temporary timetable for 12th public examination has been prepared by Tamilnadu examination department.

Accordingly, the public exam starts on March 2 and ends on March 24. On the whole, 7,63,124 students would be writing this examination.

It is usual procedure that a model timetable will be prepared before making the final timetable for public exam. This model and temporary timetable has been sent to the government for approval. After obtaining the approval from the state government, the final timetable will be announced officially.

"In this model timetable, 2 days will be left between science and mathematics exams, apart from language subjects. Since, mathematics and science subjects' marks will play an important role for getting seats in professional courses. If the government wants to make changes in the proposed timetable, necessary changes will take place" sources said.

Generally, more changes do not take place in the model timetable. Hence, the temporary timetable is likely to be made as permanent one. The official announcement regarding this, is expected to be released within few days.

Previous year public exam was conducted in 1,895 centres. Additionally, this year, the examination department has received 123 applications, requesting for new examinations centres. However, only 70 applications have been identified to be valid out of 123 so far. Only at the end of this month, the status of other applications would be made known.

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