Culinary institute to come up in Haryana

Updated on: Wednesday, December 07, 2011

National Culinary Institute (NCI), the first of its kind in north India, would soon be set up at Pinjore in Haryana to boost employment opportunities in tourism sector, an Govt official said here recently.

Dhanpat Singh, State Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary, Tourism,  told reporters at the Yadvindra Gardens at Pinjore, 20 km from Chandigarh, that the union tourism ministry had already accorded in-principle approval to the Rs.5 crore project.

It will be located close to the Mughal-era gardens for which Pinjore is famous.

Singh added that seven acres of land had been acquired from horticulture department for the purpose. Funded by the central government and it would be maintained by Haryana Tourism.

Students would be imparted training about cookery and also advanced training in different cuisines like Indian, continental, Chinese, Thai and other recipes.

He said that those already associated with the field of tourism could also get advanced training in this institute to further widen their scope in the tourism industry.

The institute will start functioning from next year.

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