Dept of biotech can be kept out of regulator: govt

Updated on: Monday, December 05, 2011

In a bid to break the logjam, the government has offered to keep the Department of Biotechnology out of the governing board of the proposed biotech regulator.
The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill had been listed for introduction in the Lok Sabha twice and deferred following objections from members who argue that promoter of biotechnology cannot be its regulator.
"The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has no interest in BRAI. You can even remove DBT from the governing board of the
authority," DBT Secretary M K Bhan said when asked about conflict of interest issue raised by MPs.
He said the Cabinet Secretariat or Agriculture Ministry could be made the nodal agency for the BRAI.
"We have no problems as long as the principle of autonomy is maintained," he said.
Bhan said if Parliament desires, the suitable changes could be made to the Bill.
The BRAI is proposed to be an independent entity to regulate research, transport, import, manufacture and use of organisms and products of modern biotechnology.
The Bill seeks to set up a 17-member Inter-Ministerial Governing Board with Secretary of Department of Science and Technology as its chairman for effective discharge of functions and performance of BRAI.
DST secretary was chosen to head the BRAI governing board as he has no conflict of interest, but this arrangement could be changed depending on the wish of the Parliament, Bhan said.
Members from the CPI-M, RJD, BJP and even some from ruling Congress had opposed the BRAI Bill at the introduction stage itself.

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