Stressed executives now curse inventions of web, mobiles

Updated on: Monday, December 05, 2011

In today's world, internet and mobiles have become a necessity. But, stressed executives are now cursing these inventions, a survey has revealed.
The survey of managers in Britain has found that they receive 40 more emails each day compared with 10 years ago. For the unluckiest five per cent, that figure is 100 extra messages a day.
And the endless stream of emails demanding attention as well as having a boss who can reach them at any time thanks to mobile phones is increasing stress.
The poll of 1,300 members of the Institute of Leadership & Management, found that 51 per cent felt more stressed than 10 years ago, and almost half said they were putting in longer hours, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
Two-thirds reported higher workloads today than in 2001, and two-fifths felt their work-life balance was worse now.
Overall, a third stated they were less happy at work. Managers under 35 were the most stressed group, with 71 per cent reporting an increase in stress over the last 10 years as they have progressed up the career ladder, the survey found.
In the same poll, the mobile topped the list of devices managers wished had not been invented. But while 29 per cent regret the invention of the mobile, 28 per cent say they could not live without it.
Peter Cheese, chairman of the Institute of Leadership & Management, said: "Over the last 10 years, the workplace has become much more challenging for managers. Mobile technology brings with it a pressure to respond quickly and a temptation to work longer hours which is impacting on stress levels."

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