US no more a preffered study destination for PhD students: Survey

Updated on: Friday, December 02, 2011

A new international survey of graduate school applicants reveals that there is a decrease in the number of Indian Masters and PhD students selecting US as their preferred study destination.

The report showed a 10.2% decrease in interest in the US, traditionally the most popular study destination for Indian students, from 2009-2011. Also, the UK saw a less than one percent increase in interest, and Canada saw a 1.36% decrease in interest.

With US universities charging some of the highest tuition fees in the world, Indias Masters and PhD candidates are considering more cost-effective destinations and favourable visa environments to allow them to find employment upon graduation.

Danny Byrne, co-author of the report says, s apparent that Indian Masters and PhD candidates are looking for universities that offer a high quality education at an affordable price. Job prospects upon graduation are also becoming increasingly important to candidates so a favourable visa environment is likely to attract more of the worlds best graduate students to a country.

The survey QS Masters and PhDs Applicant Survey 2011 has been released by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, compiler of the annual QS World University Rankings.

Students who are interested in postgraduate studies at a reputed international university, can visit the QS World Grad School Tour in India, which is on till December 6. The tour also allows candidates to apply for scholarships worth $1.2 million. For details and to register for free, go to

Times of India

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