Higher education need to reach less privilaged students

Updated on: Monday, July 20, 2009

Chennai: The less privileged sections of society should have accessiblity to higher education without any compromise on its quality, said N. Murali, Managing Director, The Hindu, here on Sunday.

He stressed the need to develop an inclusive model that provides higher edcation access to the different marginalised and under-privileged sections of society keeping the quality intact.

Speaking at the awards ceremony organised to felicitate rank holders in IIT-JEE 2008 and top-ranking students and schools in The Hindu Education Plus-FIIT-JEE Talent Reward examinations 2008, Mr. Murali told the students that they had great future but they also have to be responsible for the millions who do not have the same privileges.

The Principal Secretary, School Education, M. Kutralingam, inaugurated the weblink for the Mission to Reach the Unreached’ programme of FIIT-JEE and said that it would provide students in Corporation schools and government schools in rural areas with access to the latest developments in science and technology.

The Director, FIIT-JEE operations, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, Ankur Kumar Jain, said that FIIT-JEE would update the website with the latest developments in science and technology. The site would also contain more information on different educational institutions, the courses of study available and information on the entrance procedures into the institutions.

Schools across Tamil Nadu could also register with FIIT-JEE at the website to request professionals from the institution to come to their schools to counsel their students, he said.

Soon such services could also be extended to schools in other States

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