Nat Geo Explorer ties up with city school Kangaroo Kids

Updated on: Thursday, December 01, 2011

National Geographic Explorer, an environmental education model for children from the Nat Geo Group, signed an agreement with the city-based Kangaroo Kids Education to offer customised curriculum to the kids.
National Geographic Explorer is an educational system that incorporates traditional and new media in teaching English, Science and Environmental education. Its educational content which comes in the form of magazines, info-graphics and media would be included in Kangaroo schools.
The educational programme is present in eight countries, mostly in the US and Asia and has over two million kids.
"We want to teach children how to become active learners and how to integrate information from a variety of medium. The magazine is a unique way to impart information at school. In addition to that we have websites, interactive white boards, which is a new technology.
"We also have e-magazines and digital programme that enables kids to create their own magazines, illustrate them and help them to become better writers," National Geographic School Publishing vice-president and publisher Francis Downey told here.
"We are looking at the curriculum right now. We want to support what the teachers are doing and go beyond that," he added.
The issues that will be covered by National Geographic Explorer will be world issues, global warming, safe water, intriguing habitats. However, it will not cover politics.
On its expansion plans he said, "you can expect a lot more from us. We would like to be in every school that we can be. We want to know a little bit more of the market here, the needs here," Downey added.
He further said the magazines would be designed to suit local requirements.

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