Teachers need to go beyond curriculum

Updated on: Friday, July 17, 2009

Mangalore:  A two-day faculty development programme on statistical techniques and data analysis using the software SPSS-17 began at St Agnes College here on thursday.
Speaking at inaugral fuction,  N Vinaya Hegde, Chancellor, Nitte University stressed the need for educational institutions holding skill enhancement programmes for their faculty members to improve the quality of education.

Urging the teachers to keep abreast with the latest development in their fields, he said teachers will not be able to fulfil expectations if they confine themselves only to the curriculum. As result, the teachers have to go further beyond their curriculum and improve their skills.

Highlighting the importance of statistics, he said statistics touches everybody's life in one or the other way and it is an important tool not only in social science but also in other kinds of sciences including medicine and engineering.

Statistics should be a component of all faculties in the educational institutes, he opined. Later, Mithun, a resoure person speaking at the technical session, focused on the importance of SPSS 17 technology in teaching. He said earlier it was called the statistic programme for social science and today renamed as statistic programme for solution and science as its utility is not confined merely to social science but spread to other sciences.

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